Enter the enchanting world of "A Verse in Time," where poets cast spells with their words, capturing moments in time through their verses. From nostalgic reflections to optimistic dreams, each poem creates a vivid picture, transporting the audience to a different realm.
Rules and Regulations
This is an individual event.Poets are open to topics of choice for their poems.Each solo poem must be of the poet’s own creation.Memorization is not necessary. The poet may choose to bring a sheet of paper or chapbook to the stage or read off of their phones, but it is encouraged to be expressive.Each poet gets three minutes (plus a fifteen-second grace period) to read/recite one poem. If the poet goes over time, points will be deducted from the total score by the scorekeeper. The poem/performance will lose.25 (point 25) off of their score for every 10 seconds they go over.The use of props, costumes, and/or pre-recorded music/ instruments is strictly prohibited.Haikus/ very short poems will not be considered for evaluation.Usage of regional words should be minimal.Profanity will be judged severely.Judging will be based on content and poetic conventions, physical presence, voice and articulation, and dramatic appropriateness.Judge's decision is final and absolute.The registration will be a First Come First Serve process.Participation and winner certificates will be provided.Event Incharge
Harunichshini - +917620091319