"Scribble Scramble" is a dynamic art competition that sparks boundless creativity. Participants embark on a unique journey, adapting as the competition unfolds. The event, a vibrant tapestry of colors and ideas, fosters friendly competition, pushing artists to explore uncharted territories. Spectators witness real-time art evolution, and winners, crowned based on skill and ingenuity, add their names to the legacy of this vibrant artistic celebration.
Rules and Regulations
The competition welcomes essays from all college students, both UG and PG, with a length requirement of 800 to 1,000 words.Essays should be written on provided A4-sized paper, featuring topics in bold.Submissions must be original and unpublished, with strict prohibition of plagiarism.Any evidence of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.Entries must be submitted on time at the college campus, as late submissions will not be accepted.The judges' decision is final. Registration operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and participation and winner certificates will be awarded.Event Incharge
Priyadharshini p - 8508439981